This year marks a monumental milestone for Security National Life—our 60th Anniversary! It all began in 1965 with our visionary founder, George Quist, who set out to create a company dedicated to providing financial security and peace of mind to families. Over the decades, we have grown from humble beginnings into a trusted name in […]
2023 was the largest production year ever for the Home Service Division! The LARGEST PRODUCTION YEAR EVER for our division! Great job all around. It takes us all working together as a team to break records like that, and we did it. With your hard work, we also had a record-shattering Founder’s Month, so we […]
The Thanksgiving holidays are over, and we are now headed full-speed into the Christmas holidays. We all have so much to be thankful for. What are you most thankful for today? I titled this article “Today,” because today is all we are promised. Whether it’s in your personal life or your professional life, make every […]
We just wrapped up a very successful Founder’s Month! In fact, it was the BEST and BIGGEST Founder’s Month we have ever had! That success is due to the contribution of all of our funeral home partners and independent agents. Without you, we could not survive in this industry. With those record-breaking numbers, I hope […]
Founder’s Month is always an exciting and productive time for the company and our agents. And, as always, there is a lot of bonus money available! Last week was our first week of the Founder’s Month contest period and, thanks to you, we had a really good production week! On top of that, our third […]
I’ve been in the insurance industry for 35 years. The one question that nearly every new agent asks me is, “You’ve been in insurance sales for a long time, so what’s the secret?” So here it is, wait for it………………………ACTIVITY!!!! That’s it in a nutshell. Talking to people. When I was brand new in the […]
Prospecting and new sales are always a challenge for any insurance agent, so sometimes it’s best to go back to the basics that a lot of us did when we first started. Project 100—where we sit down and list as many people as we possibly can that we could go talk to or people you […]
One of our responsibilities as an insurance agent is to educate our policyholders and potential policyholders. When I started in the insurance business years ago there was way less television exposure of our industry and of course no social media at all. There is a company that is constantly running what I consider to be […]
I think we all know that prospecting activity is the lifeblood of our business as insurance professionals. Unfortunately, many agents still fall short in this vital part of our business. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. An idea, and a fun way of prospecting, is to establish a point system to work each day. […]
Most of us have a plan for something. A plan for dinner or a plan for a summer vacation or a plan for the weekend, etc. Planning ahead helps life run a little smoother. Some things we can’t necessarily plan for that come at us unexpectedly. One thing is for certain, and I have to […]